Skool tye/ School times
Skooltye / School Times :
Graad /Grade 1-7
Skoolbegin / School start: 7h15 - 14h00
Vrydae / Fridays: 7h15 - 12h30
Sportoefentye sal skriftelik tydens die seisoen deurgegee word. Leerders kan slegs oefen in die teenwoordigheid van 'n afrigter.
Sport practice times will be given in writing during the season. Learners can only practice in the presence of a coach.
Versoek: Leerders moet reeds 7h10 op terrein wees.
Request: Learners must be in the scool grounds on 7h10.
NB : Hekke sluit om 14h15, alle leerders moet die perseel verlaat indien hulle nie onder toesig is nie.
NB : Gates closed at 14h15, all learners must leave the school ground if not under supervision.